Meet the people taking yoga to every house in Thavanampalle, Andhra Pradesh
Total Health’s Arrjava Warriors, a group of yoga practitioners tell us how the ancient knowledge has changed both their lives as well as their students’
How archery empowered the lives of the Chenchu tribe
Traditionally hunter-gatherers, the Chenchus of Amrabad and NSTR are using their skill with the bow and arrow to gain success as sportspeople
Death and debt by alcohol in Amrabad’s Chenchu community
Easily accessible alcohol from towns outside their forest homes is pushing Chenchu adults deeper into alcohol addiction, making alcoholic liver cirrhosis the major cause of death in this community
When dreams of high-rise apartments mix with worries of increasing pollution
As the tricolour slips off the sewing machines at Total Health’s women’s skilling project, we walk around Aragonda village, talking to people about what freedom looks like at 75