Yoga – Art of Living for a Healthy Life Style
Swarna bindu is an Ayurveda immunization vaccine and it is administered in the early years of 0 to 16 years for brain development. It helps to maintain a healthy state of mind and body. Swarna Bindu Prashana provides specific immunity along with many other benefits. About 6321 children have been covered under this initiative. In keeping with the ancient tradition, the vaccine is administered only on PUSHYAMI NAKSHATRAM DAY as it is considered as an auspicious day for its administration as per Ayurveda doctrine.
Sports - Way out for Youth Development
Swarna bindu is an Ayurveda immunization vaccine and it is administered in the early years of 0 to 16 years for brain development. It helps to maintain a healthy state of mind and body. Swarna Bindu Prashana provides specific immunity along with many other benefits. About 6321 children have been covered under this initiative. In keeping with the ancient tradition, the vaccine is administered only on PUSHYAMI NAKSHATRAM DAY as it is considered as an auspicious day for its administration as per Ayurveda doctrine.
Basic Architecture
Swarna bindu is an Ayurveda immunization vaccine and it is administered in the early years of 0 to 16 years for brain development. It helps to maintain a healthy state of mind and body. Swarna Bindu Prashana provides specific immunity along with many other benefits. About 6321 children have been covered under this initiative. In keeping with the ancient tradition, the vaccine is administered only on PUSHYAMI NAKSHATRAM DAY as it is considered as an auspicious day for its administration as per Ayurveda doctrine.
Expected outcomes
- Average availability of atleast 0.5 Kg of vegetables per day through NGs
- Marginal benificiary family will produce and consume quality vegetables.
- Look out option to role out commerical model in second Phase.
Impact potential
- Produces Nutritional Variety of vegetables.
- Enhanced food and nutritional security.
- Efficient and meaningful use of crop residues, household wastes, water etc.
- Saves money and helps to generate additional income.